Thinking, Thought and Thinker.
निर्विषय चेतना / The consciousness devoid of object is ever so in the same way is also devoid of the विषयी / subject as well.
Wherever / यत्र through the sense-organs / ज्ञानेन्द्रिय, there is contact / सङ्गः between this pure consciousness associated with a living being (person - विषयी / पुरुष / पुंसः) with an object / विषय, the person as the Thinker / विषयी and the object / विषय as the World appear together at the same time.
Memory creates the illusion आभास / प्रत्यय that the निर्विषय चेतना / pure consciousness where this division takes place is the Thinker, and still the memory persists in the background as a Thought.
I-sense, as the Timeless Reality remains unaffected throughout.
A Practicing Yogi tries to exclude vRitti / Thought either by removing all the 5 kinds of vRitti, or attention fixed on one specific - a mantra or any such object of meditation.
The practice of removing all vRitti वृत्ति is called वृत्तिनिरोधः / vRitti-nirodhaH.
The practice of fixing the attention on a specific vRitti वृत्ति is called the एकाग्रता / ekAGratA.
Abidance in a specific vRitti for a long time is called समाधि / samAdhi.
The perfection संयम / samyama of Yoga is the state of the mind when the above,
विवेकवैराग्याभ्यां तन्निरोधः।।
निरोध-परिणामः / the nirodha-pariNama,
एकाग्रता परिणामः / the ekAgratA-pariNama
the समाधि-परिणाम / samAdhi-pariNama are combined in one whole.
Maharshi Patanjali has described how this संयम / samyama is further applied in different ways so as to attain any occult or mystic power : सिद्धि / a siddhi.
This is the Yoga of कर्म / Karma.
However, the Way of साँख्य / sAmkhya is the one where through inquiry into the Core Reality is attempted.
Where one through this enquiry, that begins with the question :
What is that abides for ever and what is that not so?
नित्य क्या है और अनित्य क्या है?
A sincere and earnest seeker soon or later on discovers and comes onto the realization that the दृक् / consciousness alone might be the origin, foundation and the very first, the prime source of and from where arises the appearance - the दृश्य प्रपञ्च Phenomenal Existence.
Accordingly the two spiritual paths are available for all and every sincere and earnest seeker / aspirant.
But in effect both the above two kind of seekers attain the same Realization at the end of their practice.
विषया विनिवर्तन्ते निराहारस्य योगिनः।।
रसवर्जं रसोऽप्यस्य परं दृष्ट्वा निवर्तते।।५९।।
(अध्याय 2, Chapter 2, verse 59)