Wednesday, September 3, 2014

आज का श्लोक, ’वादः’ / ’vādaḥ’

आज का श्लोक, ’वादः’ / ’vādaḥ’ 

’वादः’ / ’vādaḥ’ - निर्णय,

अध्याय 10, श्लोक 32,

सर्गाणामादिरन्तश्च मध्यं चैवाहमर्जुन ।
अध्यात्मविद्या विद्यानां वादः प्रवदतामहम् ॥
(सर्गाणाम् आदिः अन्तः च मध्यं च एव अहम् अर्जुन ।
अध्यात्मविद्या विद्यानाम् वादः प्रवदताम् अहम् ॥)
भावार्थ :
हे अर्जुन! सृष्टियों का आदि, अन्त तथा मध्य मैं ही, समस्त विद्याओं में अध्यात्मविद्या (जिससे आत्म-ज्ञान होता है), एवं अनेक और भिन्न-भिन्न मतों में से निश्चयात्मक आधारभूत निष्कर्ष भी मैं ही (हूँ) ।
’वादः’ / ’vādaḥ’  - the conclusion reached at by sound reasoning.

Chapter 10, śloka 32,

madhyaṃ caivāhamarjuna |
adhyātmavidyā vidyānāṃ 
vādaḥ pravadatāmaham ||
(sargāṇām ādiḥ antaḥ ca 
madhyaṃ ca eva aham arjuna |
adhyātmavidyā vidyānām 
vādaḥ pravadatām aham ||)
Meaning :
O arjuna, among diverse manifold creations from the stand-point of all and every, infinite beings and their individual worlds, I AM the beginning, the middle and the end of all. I AM the sacred skill (adhyātmavidyā) that enlightens one about the spiritual nature of Self / Brahman / Reality.
Note :
The Creation and dissolution of a 'world' with reference to an individual is always either at the level of the 'personal', the 'collective' or  the 'Cosmic'. These three levels are again part / dimensions / expressions of a single entity 'Brahman' / 'Self'. Obviously, there are infinite creations / dissolutions taking place every moment for all.  


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